Author Archives: dathoang

Tailgate Party Attire Doesn’t Have to be Beer Color – What Men Wear.

Tailgating parties don’t have to be restricted to sporting events.  Concerts, even religious meetings attract dyed-in-the-wool tailgaters.  Heck, some people see a crowd and just have to pull into a generous car space in the lot, drag out the BBQ, turn on some loud music and start playing flip cup.  Gals can usually figure out […]

Tailgate Food: Sausage, Bean, and Spinach Dip Recipe

Want to find that perfect dip for the tailgate party? Look no further–this recipe, adapted from Southern Living, is a hearty, filling and very tasty dip designed specifically for tailgating. It freezes well and takes around 45 minutes to prepare. Of all the tailgate food, dip is one of my favorites since it’s so easy to […]

Tailgate Food: Deviled Eggs – 50 Great Recipes

Eggs are very cheap, super high in protein and low in carbs making them a tailgate food staple. There are infinite things you can do with them and, apart from having a grilled one on top of a burger, one of my favorites is deviled eggs. They make a perfect snack, can be plain or spicy, […]

Tailgate Food: 10 Quick & Easy Tailgate Foods For The Lazy

Not everyone wants to be a gourmet Tailgate Party chef. Lucky there are some great tasting, super-quick, pre-made options for those of us who want to focus on the game, the beer and everything other than food preparation! Bring any (or all) of these tailgate foods to the party and you will be a hero. […]

Tailgate Party Games – Best Scoreboards To Take To The Party Site

OK, so let me make myself clear, here.  I am not talking about a scoreboard where you can see a gi-normous shot of yourself on the Kiss-cam.  These are compact models for the serious tallying of scores in drinking games, tailgate party games and other pursuits that need honesty and accountability to avoid a car-park […]

Review: Best Portable Kegerators For Tailgate Parties.

One of the questions I am asked constantly is ‘what’s the best portable kegerator available that I can take to a tailgate party?’ It seems to be a perennial problem for most of my hard-partying, beer-swilling funster-dude friends.   They obsess over the details. Me, I used to be quite OK with slinging a few freshly […]

Perfect Portable Electric Refrigerator-Freezer Coolers For Tailgate Parties

The Perfect Portable Electric Refrigerator-Freezer Cooler for tailgate parties A few of my readers asked me why I haven’t covered the small but amazing range of perfect portable electric refrigerator-freezer coolers currently on the market.  They make their own ice on site, keep everything very cold and are ideal for keeping salads, perishables, pre-cooked meats and frozen […]

The #1 Best Kegerator: A Better Investment Than Shares!

Over the years, I have been asked ‘What is your favorite kegerator?’ and ‘What is the #1 all-time best kegerator?’ by countless folk.  My friend Seth has a good take on this.  He says that the best keg is the one you can slip into your man-cave and when it seems to be too small […]