Tonight is the last game at this legendary stadium where the 49ers battled it out with many teams over the decades. It’s been a windy, rainy, foggy venue since 1957, beset upon by the elements including an earthquake. Dynamite will finish this old park which will be replaced by an upmarket development and all sport […]
Tag Archives: Tailgate Party
Everybody knows that beer – the chilling of, the serving of and the serving of again and … make that ‘again’ – is THE most important component of a successful tailgate party. Oh, along with bacon flavored food but that’s another story which we address elsewhere. Back to the beer and not a moment too […]
For any novices passing by, a kegerator stores, refrigerates, and dispenses a keg of beer in brewery-recommended conditions. Beer on tap! One keg of beer can be enjoyed for several months at a time and save you money and many trips to the store and so not only is the beer cheaper as you are […]
Cold Brew Kegerators: Brew Coffee & More I bet you thought your kegerator could only do one thing – chill your brewski at your tailgate party. Wrong. In 2016, we now have Cold Brew Kegerators. So, Draft Beer or Draft Coffee? Both, thanks. Wine, tea, soda or *shudder* Kombucha and Kimchee? All of the above, […]
Games are a tailgate party tradition and if you can balance up your eating and drinking with the fun of a few personal challenges, that’s a good thing. As long as it doesn’t interrupt the ingestion of booze, that is. Hence, the invention of Drinking Games. ‘Pass A Shot Drinking Game’ is more entertaining than […]
Playing sports trivia games at Tailgate parties is a tried and tested tradition. It takes you gently through all kinds of weather and states of sobriety. No matter how many beers you have had, it’s always fun to display your knowledge, or not. In fact, “Who Wants to be a Millionaire?’ would be great if […]
If you want the best of both worlds, you probably wish you had a TV in your pocket, could double up, watching games in the parking lot while you play those games, chomp on those ribs and swill that cool amber liquid. Elsewhere, I have written out the ‘how to’ list for getting a signal […]
Why buy slow cookers? In a fun few weeks of cooking and eating, we’ve reviewed the best slow cookers for tailgate parties (as well as a few slow cooker accessories too!). Seems every tailgate party I go to these days, there are slow cookers of all kinds. They come in large to small, to portable […]
Ring toss games or horseshoe games are almost the most fun at a tailgate party. Everyone knows how the game is played – it’s in the national consciousness. The echoing ker-clunk of metal ring on stake is almost deafening in parking lots and a sweet, sweet sound that says ‘fun’ with every contact. Judging by […]
Portable bars are the stiletto heels of the tailgate party industry. Ay Caramba! GoPong’s High Top Portable Bar. Portable bars will pretty up your space and make it sexy. And they are practical steps towards removing a lot of hospitality angst from the host. In fact, it was quite fun revising previous lists of Best […]