33 of the Best Tailgate Party Games – A Monster List for 2017!

Best tailgate party games are those involving beer – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Despite what your mother says, beer pong is a sport – Abraham Lincoln

Ok – the source of those quotes might not be accurate but surely Lincoln had some knowledge of the best tailgate party games out there and Emerson had to drink something while pumping out his philosophy. And, so will you after reading this monster list of the 30 no make that 33 best tailgate party games for 2016 including the classics like cornhole, beer pong and ladder toss as well as games you might never have heard of like Barbuzzo, Ringstix and Rollors.

The Best Tailgate Party Games Bring out the Kid in You.

Beer Pong Champ trophy

Beer Pong Champ trophy

Beer Pong Champion award

Beer Pong Champion award

But you can still drink beer, right?  Of course, tailgate games aren’t just about laughs in the parking lot at tailgate parties.  Some are now becoming recognized as a Pro sport – The American Cornhole Organization offers $20k to the winner of The Cornhole Cup!  So don’t let your Mom tell you you’re wasting your time tailgating. Because you’re not. You’re in serious training mode and testing the capacity of your bladder is just part of the skill.

Here’s an ever growing and always updating list of almost all known tailgate games with links to the best products you can buy for the ultimate game-play experience. No more broken cornhole boards, bent dizzy bats or rickety toss boards though. Gaming these days is serious business at tailgate parties and the game sets themselves are made of high quality materials.

Winning this would be a life highlight.

Beer Pong Personalized trophy

Beer Pong Personalized trophy

They  include your team’s logo and come with all the accessories you’ll ever need.  Some are even made in the U.S.A. and not imported from you know where.

So grab a cold one, head out to the pre-game party site and get ready to play the best tailgate party games available!

Best tailgate party games:

Let’s start with the new kids on the block.  We were told about this game by one of our readers and followed it up.  Yes, it’s a pretty good game and gaining in popularity.

Pocket Passer Football – Throwing Backyard and Tailgate Party Kit

Pocket Passer Football boards

Pocket Passer Football boards

Pocket Passer Football in play

Pocket Passer – a new tailgate party game

Pocket Passer is a great game that combines cornhole, beer and footballs for the most fun you can have at a tailgate party.  It was created in Colorado where beer and games go together like love and marriage. Yep, a lot of fun and sometimes there’s shouting.

Anyway, the game was designed by a mechanical engineer who is a great sports fan and tailgater so of course,the game combines a lot of his interests.  Think cornhole but then imagine throwing a football and winning points according to the markings on the boards.  And there is drinking….

There’s no assembly required and everything you need is in the kit. Made in the USA and that’s a rare thing.

And here’s another one (prepare to see this one on one of those TV investment type shows – we think it will sell really well)

The QB54 Football Toss Game

QB54 combo chairs and football toss game

QB54 combo chairs and football toss game


What can I say?  It’s multi-purpose, folds into a small space so that’s great for transporting.  it can be played at a tailgate party, home-gating, back yard, beach, local park or anywhere.  It is not expensive as far as games go.   You get the whole kit which is 2 chairs, football, goal posts, carry bags and instructions.

I haven’t yet tracked one down to get my hands around and play but the maker is insistent that we will love it.  Plus it is the latest big fad.

Free shipping too!

If you buy it, please leave some feedback as until I see one in person, I’m just reviewing on the basis of loving the idea behind it.  I don’t know how many pounds the chairs hold etc. but I am sure someone out there will let us know!


Cornhole – tailgate party game perennial:


Cornhole is a perennial tailgate party game

Cornhole is a perennial tailgate party game

71kwScZlZrL._SL1500_The game is said to have been invented by Native Americans (or 14th century Germans, or Kentucky farmers depending on who you believe).  Cornhole is the staple game of any tailgate party so it deserves a permanent spot on our Best Tailgate Party Games list.  It’s probably the most popular, being super easy to learn and the most fun, with or without being liquored up.

Two raised rectangular boards, each with a hole on the far end (the ‘cornhole’), are placed 27 feet apart. Players take turns to toss bean bags (or other soft missiles) towards the opposing board, scoring 3 points if the bag lands in the hole and 1 point if the bag lands on the platform. The first to 21 points wins.

AKA: Tailgate Toss, Bean bag toss, corn toss, bag, bags.

Gear required: Two boards, 4 bags each team, Scoreboard, drinks holder. Beer.

A lot of people claim that this is the best game ever for tailgate parties with great prices at the moment.  You be the judge!

Ladder Toss (or Testicle Toss as it’s known as in some parts):

Ladder Toss Game for tailgate parties

Ladder Toss Game for tailgate parties



Played by throwing two balls connected by a string (a ‘bola’) at a ladder with three rungs, Ladder Toss is an old, traditional favorite at tailgate parties. Each rung has a different point value (usually 1, 2 and 3 from top to bottom). The awesome thing about ladder toss is that you can play either offensively (by aiming to get the highest points in a round) or defensively (by knocking your opponent’s bolas off the ladder). The first to 21 points is the winner.

AKA: Ladder Ball, Football Toss, Balls Awesome, Hillbilly Golf, Testicle Toss, Ghetto Golf, Dog Balls, Lasso Golf, Dangle Ball, Sling Nuts, Ladder Golf (which is a patented version of the game).

Gear required: Two ladders, 6 bolas, scoreboard, drink holder. Beer.

Beer Pong for tailgate party games booziness:

OK, who doesn’t know this game?  (No hands went up …)

Beer Pong is an awesome sport because it has beer!

Beer Pong is an awesome sport because it has beer!

The core of the action involves copious drinking of beer. Nothing wrong with this so far. I look forward to many training sessions.

Beer Pong

This is also a game that you can play with up to 8 people (who all get to drink beer). So, after you’ve drunk some beers, fill up a few plastic cups (with beer) – it really doesn’t matter how many cups, as long as they are arranged in a triangle (usually five or six). Each player (or team) takes turns to shoot or bounce ping-pong balls into their opponent’s cup and then when the target has been achieved, the player then has to drink the cup’s contents. The empty cup then goes back into the triangle and if you land a ball into that empty cup, you must drink one of your own cups of beer. The first player (or team) to eliminate the other team’s cups wins.  That description made more sense before I started training.

AKA: Beirut, Throw Pong

Gear required: 1 x Regulation size Beer Pong Table (8′ x 2′ x 27.5″); Six, ten (or more) 16-US-fluid-ounce (470ml) disposable plastic cups (eg. red Solo cups) – the best ones to use have ridges for precise measurement of beer – plus a cup per team (for rinsing the ball with water between plays); 38mm or 40mm ping pong balls and I recommend the hydrogen filled style; Paddles if you are playing the paddle version. Note that the table is available in team livery and you can pick up this table for a really good price right now!

Beer, beer and more beer (light beer is recommended if you are planning several games, dark beer for the nursing mothers (come on, I read somewhere it’s excellent for lactation) and normal brewski for the read of us, but I’ve heard that sometimes… *shudder*… root beer or coke is used…). Mucho cerveza makes the tailgate party games even more fun.

Pong on Fire 2.0

Best Games for Tailgate Parties - Pong on Fire

Best Games for Tailgate Parties – Pong on Fire

This exciting game combines ‘Capture the Flag’ and Beer Pong consists of a set of round cards that protect your beer from being polluted by ping pong balls.  Some of the cards also have the flag on them and three hits on three cards and that player wins.  The cards fit nicely into the standard Red Solo Cup and the cards are sturdy and well printed with fun stuff on them.  I think it is a great twist on an old game.  Beer, of course, is always the reward.

Washer Toss – an olde worlde tailgate party game:

This is very similar to Beer Pong but with some variation.

Washer Toss is a great tailgate party game

Washer Toss is a great tailgate party game

Washer Toss Game set

You can make your own washers or buy one of the smart, multi-colored sets available and supercheap in the leadup to tailgate party season.

Standing approximately 10 paces from the washer box (a 2′ x 2′ box with a 6-inch pipe in the middle) players pitch a washer, aiming to get it in the cup or at least 1-foot from the box. Scoring is 5 points for a washer that lands in the cup, 3 points inside the box, 2 points lying on the top edge of the box and 1 point if it lands within 1 foot of the box. First to 21 wins.

AKA: Washer Pitch, Holeyboard, Portuguese Horse-shoes, Washers, Washer Toss.

Gear required: 2 x Washer Boxes; Carpet; Pipe; 4 x Washes, scoreboard, drink holder, Beer.

Flip Cup – this tailgate party game is fun

All you need is a table and some cups.  Oh.  I forgot to mention. Beer. You can use your beer pong table which is a versatile piece of equipment.

Flip Cup or Beer Pong Table

Flip Cup or Beer Pong Table

Hilarious, challenging and perfect for a large group since each team must have at least three people lined up on each side of a table.

Each player holds a cup filled with their beverage of choice and the game works kind of like a relay except, rather than pass a baton, players skøl the drink, place it on the edge of the table and flick the cup from underneath so it lands mouth down and then it is the next player’s turn. The aim is to be the first team to finish. Fun times will be had by all.


AKA: Taps, Flippy Cup, Tippy Cup, Boat Race, Beer On A Table Race

Gear required: Table (which can be used for other games and serving if you like), Plastic Cups, Beer

NFL Trivia – tailgate party game in a small box

NFL Gridiron Trivia Challenge

NFL Gridiron Trivia Challenge

Great game for a big group or just two people and even funnier after you’ve had a few drinks. One person calls out the name of an NFL player from any era and the other has to name the college that the player attended within 10 seconds. This game is always more fun when bluffs and outrageous insults and lies are involved but when that gets a little tedious try using the questions from board games like this one.

It has over 1500 NFL related questions on Offense, Defense, Honors, Teams & Audibles it’s definitely for die-hard fans.

AKA: Game-Day Trivia, Q & A

Gear required: List of questions and answers. Scorecard. Beer or shots to reward the winner after each round or after each question depending on your liquor tolerance.

500 – a throwing/catching tailgate party game

I don’t know if 500 is more fun before or after beer – maybe that’s a metaphor for life. Anyway, we all know this game since we’ve been playing it since pre-school. But just in case you’ve never heard of it, the idea behind 500 is for one player to throw the ball to a large group of people who battle it out to catch the ball in the air. Rules do not include ‘no interference’ so you can slap the arms of your opponents, knock them to the ground or just cuss them out etc.

Catching the ball in the air is worth 100 points, one bounce is 50 points. First to 500 wins and is quarterback for the next round.

What usually happens is that your sedate game of pitch and catch soon attracts every gamer in the parking lot and becomes a free-for-all as the players grapple for the ball. More fun that way but maybe only let people join your game if they bring a beer or two or you’ll be wishing you had invested in the large sized kegerator.

500 is similar to: Ultimate Frisbee; Kickball 300 (kicking is involved… of the ball).

Gear required: Ball, Frisbee, Beer as reward for winner, penalty for losers, you decide.

Tailgate 500 The Tabletop Game (not 500 the ball/Frisbee game or the card game).

Tailgate Party 500 Game

Tailgate Party 500 Game

This game was designed by tailgate party animals but they also made it kid friendly so you need to make a choice whether it is for the ankle-biters or for you.  A clue here is that the ‘course’ is made of vinyl resistant material to avoid spilled beer.  I have never played this game but if you are taking a table, it would be fun to set it up.  Everything is in the box.  I note that it is listed as unavailable on amazon.com but I am thinking that a few orders would make them ramp up their production again.

Gear required: Everything is included in the kit. Rules, chips, markers and course printed on heavy duty vinyl etc..

Frisbeer – frisbee meets beer for a tailgate party game:

Discraft 175 gram Disc

Tailgate Party Game: Frisbeer

Frisbeer frisbee

Frisbeer frisbee

The best rule in this game is that each player has to have a beer in hand on every play. It’s kind of like a hybrid of horse-shoe toss and flip-cup with two sets of goals at least 20 feet apart. The goals should be only slightly wider than the frisbee and with 4 solo cups placed upside-down on top. Usually I use the 12 oz cups but you could use the 18 oz cups for a quicker mellowing of your tailgate party guests.

Red Solo Cups Wholesale

Red Solo Cups Wholesale

Each player stands behind the goals and attempt to catch the frisbee before it hits the ground. 3 points for a clean pass through the goal, 1 point if you knock a cup onto the ground. A team loses 1 point if they fail to catch the frisbee before it hits the ground and there is a 3 point penalty to a player who drops their beer plus you must finish everyone’s beer before playing continues. First to 11 wins.

AKA: Beer Frisbee, Polish Horseshoes, Spanish Horseshoes, Frisbeer; French Darts; Beersbee; Poleish™

Poleish equipment for tailgate parties is essential and versatile

Poleish equipment for tailgate parties is essential and versatile

Equipment: Frisbee, 2x Goal Posts such as these Sea Turtle ones, Beer, Cups

Chandeliers – similar to the tailgate party game of beer pong:

Li'l Reds Mini Party Shot glasses

Li’l Reds Mini Party Shot glasses

This game will get you drunker faster than any other tailgate game in this list. A small shot glass of liquor is put in the center of the table and each player has a larger glass of beer arranged in a circle around the shot-glass. Players bounce quarters into the glasses and if the quarter lands in their glass, they have to drink. If it lands in another player’s glass then they have to drink. If the quarter lands in the center glass then every player chugs and the last one to put down their glass also has to empty the center shot-glass. You can also play this with plastic cups and a ping pong ball but playing with some unusual little shot glasses really adds to your personal tailgate party style.

AKA Quarters

Gear required: 1 Shot glass (or plastic cup), 1 x larger shot glass (or plastic cup) for each player, Quarters (or ping pong balls), Beer, Liquor, probably a bucket and a towel…


Ring Toss:

In other lands this is known as Quoits.

Ring toss set is easy to pack

Ring Toss Set is easy to pack

You don’t really see too many people playing this while tailgating unless they have free-standing stakes (you can’t hammer the stakes into the ground).  I’ve included it because without this simple version of the tossing game we might never have had those greater versions.  Plus I noticed that at this site the kit is really cheap at the moment and it is suited to all ages. Players toss plastic, rope, rubber or even braided fabric rings over five large pegs or stakes which are traditionally placed in the formation of an ‘X’ with one center peg and four marking each point. You can also use narrow beer bottles – which is where it becomes important for tailgating parties as the player gets to keep any of the bottles they toss a ring onto. 5 rings per round, 1 point for each ‘ringer’.  Kind of like a fairground game.  Winner takes all, each stake representing a drink or a can or a bottle, however you want to set it up.

AKA Horse Shoe, Ring-a-bottle (when you use bottles instead of pegs);

Gear required: 2 colored rope, rubber, fabric, plastic or other throwable rings each player. 5 stakes, bottles, cans.  You can improvise.  Beer as needed – for awards, for consoling losers. Whatever you decide.

Dizzy Bat – a tailgate party game that doubles the buzz

Dizzy Bat tailgating

He who drinks fastest plays longest

Dizzy Bat is a perfect drinking game as it neatly combines drinking with an acceptable physical activity.

The full description of the game plus instructions on how to play can be found here.

It can be played anywhere such as on the beach where bikinis are suitable attire.

Dizzy Bat on the beach

Dizzy Bat on the beach

But mostly, I like this game when tailgate partying because people actually expect noise there.

Gear required: The bat, a stopwatch if you want to be accurate. Some chanting.  Beer.


Kan Jam is America's Tailgate Party Sport

Kan Jam is America’s Tailgate Party Sport

This is a highly accurate flying disc game suited to parking lot tailgate parties.  The player needs to aim the disc at a slot on specially manufactured cans and plunk it into the cans.  It is challenging, needs an accurate throw and great fun and the winners of each round really earn their beers.  This is available in a smart, easily transportable inexpensive kit but of course if you are a cheapskate, you can make your own white-trash version from a couple of Frisbees and a beer box with a wide slit cut in it with a box-cutter. Transfer the contents of the aforesaid box to a cooler and drink the contents as you play rewarding each successful throw with a bottle.

Gear required: 2 frisbees or other flying discs, 2 cans with slits and weighted at the base so that they don’t tip over.  Or you can just by the kit by clicking on the picture above.


Poleish Bottle Bash game tailgating for Volley Ball

Poleish Bottle Bash game tailgating for Volley Ball

Poleish is really Ladder Toss by another name but it can be optimized for tailgate party games in the parking lot with the Poleish Sports Multi Surface Bases which let you play what many feel to be one of the best Tailgate Party games on hard surfaces like concrete or gyms.  Note that there is a trend now to tailgate at some volley ball matches and surf championships.  Be very aware of the local By-Laws on alcohol and at least carry yours in a respectable container.

This is the Glask.

Glask - glove-flask hybrid for, well, you know.

Glask – glove-flask hybrid for, well, you know.




Spikeball is an ideal tailgate party game

Spikeball is an ideal tailgate party game

Here’s a fast and furious game played 2 on 2 that is kind of a shrunken down volley-ball match.  Central to the game is a small hula hoop sized trampoline style net which is placed at ankle height between the players. You whack the palm-sized ball down on the net so that it ricochets up at your opponents. They have up to three hits between them (just like volleyball) to control it and bounce it back to you. When they miss, you score. First team to 21 wins. That magic number again.  21. Winning team gets to drink and play against the next 2 players and this could go on until the champs are frothing at the mouth.

Perfect for the parking lot at the tailgate party as it takes up so little space, transports easily. Also it is selling for quite a bit cheaper than the MSRP at the moment so maybe pick up a set.

Gear required: Springy net on its stand,  ball (3 are supplied), scoreboard, beer.

Speedminton S600 new version of old tailgate party game for 2016.

Updated Speedminton game for tailgate parties

Updated Speedminton game for tailgate parties

Depending on the location of your tailgate party, you may like to set this fast, heavy-bird version of badminton up.  You do require a bit of space but there is also an 8 player version that will allow you to include your neighbors.

A game is played to 16 points. Serve from the center of your playing field and players alternate service every three points. Play best-of-five to win a match.

You can insert a light into the base of each Speeder to allow for night playing or in dim to dark conditions.

It all comes packed in a neat carry bag which contains 2 Speedracquets, 3 Speeders, 4 Speedlights, wind-ring for all-weather play which makes the Speeder heavier and more controllable, 8 cones for court marking.  But freestyle playing (no court) has its own anarchical fun and a beer a point scored is protocol and fair.

The advantage of buying the kit is that it is neat and compact.

What you get in the basic Speedminton kit

What you get in the basic Speedminton kit

Gear required: The kit. You can extend the game by buying multiple kits. Click on the picture for details of where to purchase.  Beer.

Basketpong – variation on an old tailgate party game

BasketPong for tailgate party fun

BasketPong for tailgate party fun

Basketpong is what you do if you don’t have space for, or don’t own a Beer pong table.  It’s loads of fun and there is also a half court version (one stand).  Quite solidly made, it has the fun capacity and compactness you need for transporting to the parking lot tailgate party.  Durable and cleverly designed. The manufacturer says that  ‘Xtreme Pong Sports’ Portable BasketPong Game is a revolutionary and portable tailgating game with a compact setup and vertical backboard. The backboard has 8 slots to insert rims in 1 of 3 skill level patterns – Pro, All-Star or Xtreme. BasketPong is designed for 1-on-1 competition or for teams of 2 with a shooting distance of 8 feet and playing height of 6 feet. This product contains 2 games for full court play. Each unit is designed for portability and breaks down to it’s own self-contained carrying case (28″ W x 22″ L x 4″ D) that weighs approximately 12 pounds per game. Backboard color may vary ( blue/ red). ‘

Looks great and I am looking forward to trying it out (which I have yet to do).  Check out the picture as it is quite clear how the game is played.  I am leaning towards this as an alternative to the tabletop version as I like the idea that it packs into a suitcase really compactly, the base of which becomes a splashboard for your booze.

BasketPong packs compactly for tailgate party fun

BasketPong packs compactly for tailgate party fun

Gear required: Kit, cups, a ton of ping pong balls, Beer.

Barbuzzo – Spin the Shot

Barbuzzo Spin the Shot

Barbuzzo Spin the Shot

This is self-explanatory and graces the bar.  Anyone sitting around the table or bar can have a spin and whoever the red pointer lands on must skøl the shot.

Drink that Shot! Drink that Shot!

Drink that Shot! Drink that Shot!

Gear required:  This little gadget, a bottle of Don Julio or Patron’s finest or just play it with beer.  You do need a stable surface to stand it on or it won’t swivel effectively.  Did I say it is an ideal inexpensive gift for Dad, Bro or Man Crush?  Well, it is.


Ringstix in action for the tailgate party

Ringstix in action for the tailgate party


This is a totally new type of game, winner of some toy awards, inexpensive and challenging, as the missile launcher swords require some skill and practice to be able to project the rings a long way. Manufacturers claim that the rings can fly up to 50 yards and as the game has caught on, players are building in some tricky moves.  Seems like a fun idea once you get used to the twist of the launcher. Otherwise it is a game of catch with that high tech variation.  Fun in the parking lot at your tailgate party as there is a glow in the dark ring which will take you through dusk.  (Charge it up by leaving it in the sun to attract the rays during the day or under a light at night).

You can play in teams each team member taking it in turns.  Winning teams gets – you guessed it – beer.

Gear required: Launchers and plastic hoops/rings. Beer as prizes.

Sports Catchers

Louisville Slugger Canvas Sports Catcher

Louisville Slugger Canvas Sports Catcher

When you are in the parking lot, it is a great idea to have something that stops your ball from flying clear across the lot.

You and your friends can pitch or throw to your hearts content without the fear of pitching into someone’s car or into outer space.

We suggest that the beer should be given to anyone who hits 5 targets in a row.

The catcher can be assembled at your tailgate party and is a smart looking and good value, sturdy accessory for your games.  A nice windbreak too. Frame size: 75″H x 48″W.

Gear required: Catcher, balls, beer.

Anywhere Table Tennis

Wild Sports Anywhere Table Tennis Set

Wild Sports Anywhere Table Tennis Set

This little table tennis set can be erected anywhere even on your Beer Pong table.  It contains the net, stands, balls and paddles all packed in a mesh bag.  You just provide your scoreboard.  Of course it’s not regulation but then awarding a shot a game isn’t either.  To ramp it up, I like to impose a time limit on the game.

Gear required: Kit from Wild Sports, Scoreboard, Table with an edge for the net to clamp to as it is spring loaded.  Perhaps bring a couple of heavy duty clamps as a backup if you are using the beer pong table. Beer.

Drunken Ships

Drunken Ships - battleships with booze

Drunken Ships – battleships with booze

We used to play Battleships in class but Drunken Ships would have been so much more interesting, especially in Mr. Kelly’s math lessons.  It has been called the Drinking game of the year.   Play one on one or in teams on the familiar grid, but shots are key to how the game operates. It’s easy to transport to the parking lot.  All you do is provide the beverage (often vodka or tequila) and bring a couple of whiteboard markers to spare.

OK, the object of the game (instead of guessing where the ships are located) is to guess the opponent’s drink location and if you guess right, they have to slam it down.  Mark your guesses on the erasable grid with the marker.  Easy. Last player standing wins.

Gear required: Drunken Ships Kit. A couple of spare whiteboard markers (erasable). A couple of spare shot glasses in case of breakage. A table to sit at. Booze.

Cross Boccia Urban Bocce – fabric balls play anywhere

Cross Boccia Bocce game

Cross Boccia Bocce game

Bocce is a great game but often at the parking lot, there’s really nowhere to play.  Cross Boccia rip-stop fabric ball bocce balls are the answer, being perfect for playing anywhere there is no special gravel playing surface.  The balls are constructed of durable rip-stop material that will play on any surface – lawn, blacktop, concrete, carpet – and are double-stitched for long-lasting play. The set includes 6 player balls with scoring marks and one target ball in a bright white color for easy score-keeping. Game rules and instructions are included and it’s all packed in a mesh bag.  Winning teams get beer to celebrate. Losing teams get beer to drown their sorrows.  You could, of course, play ‘a Shot for a shot’.  It’s up to you.

Gear required: Kit. Chalk to mark out your course.  Scoreboard. Beer.

Maranda Enterprises Rollors Game Kit

Rollors is one of the best games for 2016

Rollors Game kit is solidly made and suits all ages

Rollors Game Kit 2

This combines the fun of horseshoes, bocce ball and bowling with a goodly amount of liquid refreshment.  That is, if you add the rule that losing players must quaff a shot or a draft.

This was invented by a US Airforce Airman as he was flying 35,000 feet over Afghanistan so kudos to him and may he prosper.  Designed in great-looking wood, it has a set of discs that you need to roll on edge as close to the pyramid shaped goals without the discs falling over on their flat sides.  The rollors are not super heavy so it can be played by any age yet it combines the skills you have picked up from cornhole and ring toss and maybe bocce. The game is picking up in popularity and is comparatively new and average affordable price point but a few are popping up in parking lots at tailgate parties as the differences in the courses you set up just add to the fun.  Winners get beer.  Losers get … beer.

Gear required: The kit. A small measuring ruler such as a bowls measure to determine winners in close calls or otherwise you will end up duking it out. Beer.

Tackle Buddy

Inflatable Tackle Buddy NY Giants

Inflatable Tackle Buddy NY Giants

I’ve included this as it’s not just a cute item for kids, but could become the target of a pitching or disc throwing game.  Or you can stand it on your car roof so that your friends can find you in the parking lot so they know where your tailgate fun is going to be.

It’s an inflatable, team-themed critter that you can punch, tackle or throw stuff at to knock it over and it will get right on back up.  It’s pretty cheap and a fun novelty, probably won’t last for years, more like a season but that’s OK at this price.  You can play knock-em-down with the bocce balls listed above too.  This one is NY Giants but of course, you can get them for most teams and conferences.  Very cheap at the moment.

Gear required: Maybe a pool toy puncture kit in case you wreck it on the first day. Beer.  No particular tie up to drinking and this toy is really just for a bit of added fun.

Franklin Sports Fold N Go Shooters Tailgate Game

Franklin Fold-n-go shooters tailgate game

Franklin Fold-n-go shooters tailgate game

Franklin Fold-n-go shooters tailgate game2 Franklin Fold-n-go shooters tailgate game3

Portable cornhole kits are easy to find but this one is highly recommended, folds neatly, compact (25 x 10 inches and 5 inches high) and contains instructions, rules, balls and everything you need for a game.  All packed neatly in its own bag which is what you want for transporting to the tailgate party in the parking lot.

Supply your own…you guessed it ….beer.

•••The update on this is that availability is tough at the moment.  Send them a message, say you are putting in an order and a few orders may generate a reprint/re-cut of the boards.  It is a great products.


Mölky Scatter Outdoor Game for tailgate parties

Mölkky Scatter Outdoor Game for tailgate parties

Scatter Outdoor game

Mölkky is a skittles/scatter game from Finland and has gained in popularity all around the world with its neat, wooden kit.  The object of the game is to knock down numbered skittles and first to 50 wins.  Winner gets a beer unless they are under 21, or 4 in Europe.  The set is beautifully crafted, sturdy and is packed in its own box which is compact to pack when you are tailgating.  Does not require a heap of space so is ideal for the parking lot.  You can also play indoors.  Suits anyone over 4 years old and is fun at any age.

Gear required: Kit. Plus beer, wine for the 4 year old Europeans and Solo cups.



Kubb Game - What Vikings do at a tailgate party

Kubb Game – What Vikings do at a tailgate party

What Vikings do at a Tailgate Party

As we are in the Scandinavian region where nights are white and long, let’s look at another of their fun pastimes.  Kubb.  It’s another game for the whole family, compact, beautifully made and fun to play.  The Original Kubb Game Red Crown is made of sustainable, plantation grown, 100% hardwood. Europeans play this well known game on the lawn, party, beach, camp game and carpet. The box contains 1 pc King w/ Red Crown, 6 pcs Throwing Sticks, 10 pcs Knights, 4 pcs Area markers, 1 pc Carrying Bag Rule book, Full Color Recyclable Carton which you can store the pieces in.  Suited to all ages and inexpensive considering the craftsmanship.  Winners get beer.

Gear required: The kit.  Solo cups. Beer to award to winners.

H-Box Pro Hockey Box Game with Aluminum Sticks

Box hockey game for tailgate parties

Box hockey game for tailgate parties

Box hockey would be perfect to take to the parking lot for NHL games and your tailgate party would be the envy of all.  This skill-building set comes in an easily erected kit featuring aluminum hockey sticks with nylon tips.  The course has a specific surface that ensures high speed playing. Takes a lot of energy, but sit down between games and have a beer.  The game is set up the same as a real hockey game but in miniature.  You can play with 20 people tournament style, fast and furious, using all the same muscles and stick play as in hockey.  It’s a bit spendy but will last for years and is also suitable for kids (sans beer).   Pro hockey players sometimes use this as a warm-up game!  So in actual fact, you can turn your tailgate party into a fitness regime.

Gear required: Kit. Scoreboard. Beers.

Tejo Tailgate Party Game

Tejo Tailgate Party Game

Tejo Tailgate Party Game


This is the Tejo Pro kit and really the only one I would consider as it will last for years.  Made in the USA and packed in a great backpack, its pieces are smooth and easy to play with.  Best played on sand and lawn (and the pucks are guaranteed for life in that case) you can adapt this to the parking lot tailgate party and that also can motivate you to find the space nearest to a stretch of nice green grass.  The game is similar to horse-shoes but you don’t need any strength to throw these little beasties.  The container is quite compact and we just leave ours in the trunk of the car and play when we are out anywhere.  Quite an addictive game!

Gear required:  Tejo Kit.  Beer.

Point Pong Beer Pong Set

Point Pong - the kit at a tailgate party

Point Pong – the kit at a tailgate party

Point Pong at a tailgate Party Game tourney

Even though for the purposes of the tailgate party this is no selling point, the makers want you to know that Point Pong is ‘taking the beer out of beer pong’ and it can be a family point game. This could be played in the backyard, pool, tailgate, house party or in the Man Cave. It would be great competition for intramural teams or individual games. With Point Pong, the cups do not need any liquid as they are recessed in the table. I like that idea except for the fatal flaw.  What does the winner (or loser depending on your rules) get to drink? Fill up those cups anyway! It comes complete with 2 tables, 22 cups and 6 balls in a light weight carry bag. It also floats in the pool. Point Pong won the “Best non licensed Tailgate Product Award” at the 2015 Sports License & Tailgate Show the “Best Tailgate Game” award by Tailgater Monthly magazine in 2012. Very portable game – at 13 lbs, Point Pong, is 1/2 the weight of regular pong tables. Point Pong has just been awarded a US Patent. Buy local !


You can write your own chants at the tailgate party and shout them loudly when games are in progress.  You have to make your presence felt in the parking lot and it really adds to the atmosphere.

Here are some I collected and you can adapt these to you teams, games and group and while you are partying in the lot, you can practice the team chants as well:

1. Two bits, four bits, six bits, a dollar,

All for the (team name), stand up and holler!

2. We don’t wear tights and skirts,
we only wear our drinking shirts!
GO (player name here)!

3. Vic-tor-y, vic-tor-y
How do you spell vic–
Split that V, dot that i,

Curl that C-T-O-R-Y!”

“Let’s go, Let’s go
L-e-t-s g-o
Let’s go!”

4. Pump, pump, pump it up, pump that (PLAYER) spirit up!

5. (Player name) fans, in the stands, yell go, go!
(Player name) fans, in the stands, yell fight, fight!

6. Move it, move it, move that ball!
Down, Down, down the field
Up, Up, Up the score
Down the field
Up the score
We want more!

7. Berries, berries,
berries ‘n cream,
what’s the matter with the other team?
Nothing, nothing, nothing at all,
They just can’t play ball!

8. What time is it?
Game time!
What time is it?
Game time!
Any dogs in the house?
Roof, roof, roof!
Any dogs in the house?
9. Gold and Green

Gold and green

go Packers go!

10. We are (clap clap) Sea-Hawks! (clap clap) We are (clap clap) Sea-Hawks! (clap clap)

11. Maori Haka:

Ka mate, ka mate! Ka ora! ka ora!
Ka mate! Ka mate! Ka ora! Ka ora!
Tenei te tangata puhuruhuru
Nana nei i tiki mai whakawhiti te ra
A upa … ne! ka upa … ne!
A upane kaupane whiti te ra!


13. (Flip Cup) Down, Up, Down, Drink!


Tailgate parties at Penn State

Tailgate parties at Penn State are awesome – trailers and RVs wall to wall.














Tailgate Party Video: Amazing Cornhole Tricks

Checkout this video for some amazing Cornhole tricks ever! This is really taking one of the most popular tailgate games to the next level. Crazy stuff – especially the 109ft toss! For any of you who don’t know cornhole or haven’t played it before then this should be inspiring – or maybe frightening! The players are from team Toss.0 and they are all about playing extreme cornhole shots like shooting through a basketball hoop. Jason Vadnie was the long toss thrower, breaking what was at the time the Guinness World Record for Longest Cornhole shot ever.

There are no rules in cornhole regulating how you toss the cornhole bag but many purists believe it to be traditionally underhand. So, as you can see in the video, Jason’s shot was thrown underhand whereas the previous records of 100 and 106 feet were thrown overhand which is much easier to get distance with.

Keep an eye out on their wrist action and see how it affects the way the cornhole bag moves through the air and ultimately lands. Sometimes it bounces, sometimes it spins and other times it comes to a dead stop or it slides. All these factors affect your game of cornhole so learn how to throw the bag correctly and reap the benefits! Watch master cornhole players in videos like this one and you will soon be playing like a pro!

And note that there are a few comments in the video questioning how good these guys are in an actual match. Um, I’m going to guess they’re pretty good since they seem to have full control over exactly where they want to put the cornhole bag regardless of whether they’re throwing from a balcony, a baseball field, basketball court, a bridge or a tunnel! That’s some sweet cornhole wrist action guys!

Tailgate Party Games: Cornhole

Cornhole is the staple game of any great tailgate party and probably the most popular. Like all great tailgate games, Cornhole was designed so that you can play while still holding a beer in one hand–which is not surprising considering the game was said to have been invented by 14th Century Germans and developed by farmers in Kentucky. Even Native Americans played a version of Cornhole and, as further research suggests, they played it with the Cornhole bag in one hand and with a maize-beer in the other.

Cornhole Rules:

Cornhole is super easy to learn and very fun. Two raised rectangular boards, each with a hole on the far end (the ‘cornhole’), are placed 27 feet apart (there should be 33 feet from hole to hole. Players take turns to toss bean bags towards the opposing board, scoring 3 points if the bag lands in the hole and 1 point if the bag lands on the platform. Points are calculated using a negation scoring method. eg. if Player A has 3 bags on the Cornhole board and Player B has 1 bag on the board then Player A would receive 2 points for the frame.
The first player to 21 wins.

Cornhole can be played as singles or doubles. In singles, after the players pitch a frame they walk to the opposing Cornhole board and pitch back to the board where they started. In doubles, teammates stand across from each other on the same side of their respective boards.
Despite what many think, there is no rule dictating the manner in which you toss the bag: overhand is just as legitimate as an underhand toss (though much harder to control for accuracy)

Cornhole: aka Tailgate Toss, Bean bag toss, corn toss, bag, bags.

Tips for the Cornhole player:

  • work on your grip to ensure it’s not too loose or too firm. Keep the thumb in the center.
  • lead with the foot opposite to your pitching hand
  • learn different pitching techniques such as ‘the pancake’ or ‘horizontal spin’
  • always ensure you have a beer in the non-throwing hand in order to balance yourself for the pitch.

Equipment: Two boards; 4 bags, scoreboard, drink holder.

The Best Cornhole Boards

Since Cornhole is the most popular tailgate party game there are many great boards available. It’s definitely possible to make your own and I’d recommend doing so if you’re handy with a lathe. For those of us who aren’t, here’s a list of the best Cornhole Boards and Bags money can buy as well as some awesome variations and the accessories you will need to play the game in style.

What to look for in a Cornhole Board:

  • Watch out for boards with an inconsistent surface.
  • The board must be sturdy and solid.
  • You want a board that gives true bounce and has just the right balance between grip and polished smoothness for the perfect slide.
  • There is a big difference between regulation Cornhole Boards and those not built to standard.
  • Rounded edges help prevent tearing to the Cornhole bags.
  • Portability is a plus. At minimum you want a board with folding legs.
  • Durable and weather-proof so you can play in all conditions, outdoors and indoors.

Regulation Cornhole Boards

Natural Cornhole Board

Natural Cornhole Board

Natural Cornhole Boards by BestCornBags For those who appreciate natural wood grain or want to customize their Cornhole Board this beautiful piece of American craftmanship is built to ACA standard with quality materials and is sanded to an ultra smooth finish. This type of board works perfectly for those who want to paint or decal their team colors onto it as it’s essentially a blank canvas. This board is solid and built to last.

  • Pros: High quality materials. Durable. Can be customized.
  • Cons: No carry bag. Not a complete package.
  • RRP: $110
The Baggo Cornhole Board

The Baggo Cornhole

The Baggo Cornhole Board – Officially Licenced NCAA Team Logos Said to be the best Cornhole Boards available these are backed up by a lifetime warranty. Made of very durable and weather-proof plastic this is a complete set that comes with two official Baggo NCAA logo game boards, eight official bean bags in your teams colors, 10 page color instruction booklet, wall mounting bracket (for storage & display), built-in scorekeepers, and distance regulator. BAGGO packs into itself & carries like a suitcase making it the most portable game on the market. It’s hard to look past this great set.

  • Pros: Complete set. High quality. Weather proof. Lifetime warranty.
  • Cons: Non-traditional plastic is more slippery a surface than most wood boards.
  • RRP: $144.95 – ($119.95 on Amazon)
Go Pong CornHole PRO

Go Pong CornHole PRO

Go Pong CornHole PRO Regulation Size Bean Bag Toss Game Set (Black) This is a great set for anyone who just wants the complete package with no fuss. You get two regulation sized Cornhole Boards, 8 regulation weight bean bags, a carrying case plus a set of rules. These Cornhole boards are designed to be portable and fold in half for storage and have fold-out legs. They are lightweight but sturdy with a waterproof MDF surface and an aluminum frame.

  • Pros: Lightweight. Durable. Portable. A complete set.
  • Cons: The Cornhole Bags aren’t durable and are filled with sand rather than corn.
  • RRP:  $129.99 – ($123.85 on Amazon)
Driveway Games All Weather White Cornhole

Driveway Games Cornhole

Driveway Games All Weather Cornhole A very durable, regulation Cornhole set designed to be truly all-weather being injection-molded plastic and will likely still be in perfect condition next century. Don’t turn your nose up at the choice of materials though – this set still provides a decent slide and is as good as all but the most expensive wooden Cornhole boards. The Driveway is cleverly designed for portability and storage with clips to lock it and carry handles (there is even space to store the Cornhole bags within the folded board. As a white board it can be customized using your own decal (though most decals won’t adhere to the plastic as they may on other materials).

  • Pros: All weather. Will last forever. Can take it anywhere. Lightweight. Easy to store. Customizable.
  • Cons: Non-traditional plastic
  • RRP: $94.99
Tailgate 360 Cornhole Set

Tailgate 360 Cornhole Set Tailgate 360 Cornhole Set

Tailgate 360 Cornhole Set Tailgate 360 makes regulation Cornhole Sets that are extremely lightweight and portable with folding design, carry handles as well as score counters on the boards. They are good looking boards with durable construction designed for use on both flat and uneven surfaces.

  • Pros: Lightweight. Portable. Everything you need in the set. Score counter on the board.
  • Cons: Not as sturdy as more expensive sets (but also not as bulky).
  • RRP: $69.99


Non-Regulation Cornhole Boards

Corn Toss Junior Cornhole

Corn Toss Junior

Corn Toss Junior It may be small but it’s no light-weight. This little set isn’t just for the kids–the smaller size makes it a lot more portable, easier to store and means you can play indoors. It’s handmade from plywood with a gloss finish to accentuate the grain and all the joints are counter-screwed for a super strong fit. Or you could customize the board with your favorite team using paint or decals. The set is easy to fold up and store, comes with retractable rope handles and lock-in safety hooks. The set also comes with 8 cornhole bags and instructions on how to play the game. If you are buying this for your kids, you might consider adhering to the ACA recommendation for the distance between Cornhole boards for juniors to be 21 feet (rather than the traditional 27 feet).

  • Pros: Quality Build. Complete set. Customizable.
  • Cons: Not regulation size.
  • RRP: $87.95 – ($59.95 on Amazon)
Mainstreet Micro Cornhole Toss

Mainstreet Micro

Mainstreet Classics Micro Bag Toss Unlike the Corn Toss Junior set, the Mainstreet Micro is designed for kids. Everything is miniature: the boards and the bags. It’s a solid build and basically a smaller version of a regulation set so definitely recommended for young children who want to learn the all-American game of Cornhole but don’t have the strength to play with heavier bags. It’s also a good set for indoors but there is only so high you can toss a Cornhole bag when there’s a roof over your head.

  • Pros: Good set for kids. Well built. Complete set. Cheap price.
  • Cons: Small – not recommended as a substitute for a regulation set.
  • RRP: $35.99 – ($33.61 on Amazon)
Mattel Toss Across Cornhole Alternative

Mattel Toss Across

Mattel Toss Across This is a fun alternative to the traditional Cornhole Board where the object is to be the first player or team to turn up three symbols in a row. Basically tic-tac-toe meets Cornhole! It’s a very lightweight, plastic set which is definitely indoors only.

  • Pros: Fun alternative. Cheap price. Good for kids.
  • Cons: Not true Cornhole. Not for outdoors.
  • RRP: $19.99

The Best Cornhole Bags

Tip: Before you buy your Cornhole bags, be sure that the they are regulation size (6″x6″) and weight (16 oz/1lb)

What to look for in a Cornhole Bag:

  • Tournament grade with regulation size and weight.
  • High quality, heavy cloth like Duck Cloth
  • High quality filling like Whole Feed Corn or regulation plastic pellets
  • Strong stitching.
The Baggo Replacement Cornhole Bean Bags

The Baggo Cornhole Bags

The Baggo Replacement Bean Bags – Officially Licenced Team Logos You don’t really have to look much further than Baggo for your replacement Cornhole Bean Bags. These are Officially licensed bean bags and are very durable being constructed of a heavy duty Poplin blend of 65% polyester and 35% cotton with an all-purpose, dual duty, extra-strength thread.  The bags are surged on three sides and then reversed out.   The bags are filled with 9.5oz of treated unpopped popcorn for good weight and feel.

  • RRP: $19.99


Victory Tailgate Cornhole Bags

Victory Tailgate Cornhole Bags

Victory Tailgate Cornhole Bags Victory Tailgate Cornhole bags are the real deal with regulation weight, size and shape. They are made of quality duck cloth and double stitched at the seams. Unlike many of the other brands, Victory Tailgate Cornhole bags are filled with whole corn kernels and made to the standards of the ACA. Made in the USA.

  • RRP: $27.99


Becca Sports Cornhole Bags

Becca Sports Cornhole Bags

Becca Sports Cornhole Bags Another great American company who produces quality crafted Cornhole Bags. These are made to last with strong stitching and 12 oz duck cloth. They are regulation size and weight being filled with whole feed corn. Becca Sports also offers a one year guarantee on all of their bags and they come in many different color combinations.

  • RRP: $28.99


Cornhole Games Cornhole Bags

Cornhole Games

Cornhole Games Cornhole BagsCornhole games produce great bean bags that are ACA regulation size and weight and come in a variety of colors. They guarantee their bags with a 30 day money back guarantee being made of heavy cloth, real feed corn and very strong stitching. They have many different color combinations such as yellow, burgundy, black, green, turquoise, orange, brown, grey.

  • RRP: $19.89


Cornhole Games Waterproof Cornhole Bags

Waterproof Cornhole Bags

Cornhole Games Waterproof Cornhole Bags Perfect for the outdoors these weather proof Cornhole Bags by Cornhole Games are regulation size and weight as defined by the standards of the ACA. But, unlike other Cornhole bags, if they get wet, simply leave them out to dry. Instead of a corn filling they are filled with poly-resin beads. They won’t mold, rot and get eaten by animals or bugs. There are many color combinations to choose from.

  • RRP: $28.99


Victory Beer Print Cornhole Bags

Victory Beer Print Cornhole Bags

Victory Beer Print Cornhole Bags

Victory Beer Print Cornhole Bags

Victory Beer Print Cornhole Bags For the beer lover! These are more than just a gimmick though. The Victory Cornhole Bags are tournament-grade with ACA regulation size and weight. They are made of quality heavy duty cloth material, double stitched and filled with whole kernel corn. Oh, and did I mention they HAVE A BEER PRINT ON THEM!?

  • RRP: $29.98


The Best Cornhole Scoreboards

Not all Cornhole boards come with a score counter built-in. And you definitely need an independent, reliable score-keeper after you’ve knocked back a few beers. Look no further: here are the best scoreboards for keeping score for your Cornhole game.

Scorzie - Cornhole koozie that keeps score


Scorzie – The koozie that keeps score Possibly man’s greatest invention… Scorzie is a scorekeeping beverage holder designed for tailgate games that go up to 21 points. Featuring two scoring rings that click into place and a foam lined koozie, the Scorzie is a scoreboard and beverage holder all in one! These are always a great hit at tailgate parties and the ideal gift. Just make sure you keep your eye on your Scorzie though since they tend to disappear if you leave them lying around.

  • RRP: $17.99 – ($11.39 on Amazon)


Scoring King Portable Scoreboard

Scoring King

Scoring King Portable Scoreboard A very robust, weather proof and nice looking scoreboard with an incorporated beverage holder the Scoring King Scoreboard is over 5 feet tall and only weights 4lbs. The counter goes up to 21 which make it perfect for most tailgate games including Cornhole. It even has a built in bottle opener located under the scoreboard! It can be pushed into the ground or placed into the optional tripod stand for hard surfaces. The scoreboard easily removes so that the beverage holder can be used anytime. The Scoring King doesn’t require any assembly. It’s made of welded steel and then powder coated with a very durable weather resistant black powder coated finish. With two supports it is the  strongest scoreboard for outdoor gaming on the market. It is designed to be left outside in any weather condition. 100% MADE IN THE U.S.A.!

  • RRP: $49.95 – ($35.95 on Amazon)


Cornhole Overlay Magnetic Scoreboard

Cornhole Magnetic Scoreboard

Cornhole Overlay Magnetic Scoreboard The perfect scoreboard add-on for the Cornhole board that doesn’t come with its own scoreboard, this one attaches via powerful neodymium magnets. It’s super easy to install and will ensure that the integrity of your game will always be maintained no matter how much you’ve been drinking.

  • RRP = $21.99 = ($16.99 on Amazon)

Cornhole Tips:

  • When throwing the cornhole, make sure you use the right technique and you know how to control the distribution of weight (see below for cornhole throwing techniques).
  • Playing on a softer surface like grass or sand leads to less bounce, making the game easier. You can simulate this on asphalt by putting a few towels under the legs of the cornhole board.
  • Keep the cornhole boards at the right level to ensure the bags slide at the correct pace.
  • Adjust the distance between cornhole boards to increase or decrease difficultly of play.
  • More arc in the toss means less slide.
  • Cornhole bags will slide more in dry conditions. Some players like this because it helps them get it in the hole. Others don’t since the bag is more likely to slide off the boards. Spray water on the bags to create drag.
  • Most tailgaters are going to be playing cornhole in all weather conditions. Make sure you get a cornhole set that can withstand UV, rain, hail and a lot of abuse.
  • Remember to keep a cold beer on your non-throwing arm.

Cornhole Throwing Technique:

Choose and master a throwing style that suits you. There are several different ways you can throw a cornhole toss bag and they all respond differently to physics, but should all lead to the same result: a high score.

  • Fold Over: For beginners, start with the basic Fold Over throw: fold the bag in half with an even fill on both halves, then toss underhand. This will allow you to refine the perfect arc and distance.
  • Softball Pitch: As you improve you can try a softball pitching style which is exactly like a softball pitch except the grip in which you should hold the cornhole bag flat against your palm with the thumb on the opposite side, directly in the middle, with an even spread of filling throughout the bag.
  • The Double: Holding the bag by one of the corners and emptying all the fill into the opposing corner. Fold the empty corners diagonally, tucking them into you palm and then toss the cornhole bag underhand.
  • The Sling: Pinch one corner of the cornhole bag and then ‘sling’ it towards the board with an underhand toss creating backspin. This can create a very accurate dead-stop throw with less slide.
  • The Fling-a-Ding: The same as the ‘Sling’ except that you hold the cornhole bag by the edge rather than the corner.
  • The Pancake: Also known as the ‘frisbee’ because of the throwing motion which is exactly as you would throw a frisbee, but holding the cornhole bag with the same pinching technique as in the sling toss.
  • The Basketball Shot: Also known as the ‘jump shot’ you take a shot just like you would if shooting a 3 pointer in basketball.
  • Overhand: Similar to a baseball throw and most often used for extreme, long-distance cornhole toss. It is generally less accurate than an underhand toss but great for getting distance and velocity.