Whaaaaaaaat? The New Red Solo Cup Is Now SQUARE!

Stopped dead in my tracks at Stater Bros. today.  OK, so this may not mean a thing to some of you but there is now a NEW version of the famous Red Solo Cup!  This new Red Solo Cup has a square, spill-proof base.


Red Solo Cup has a square base !

Red Solo Cup has a square base !

Hmmmm.  Does this mean that players of beer pong will be able to cheat?  No cups will be knocked over, no beer will be spilled (a good thing).  Oh and you can buy a trillion or so for around $75 so there’s probably no impact on the hip pocket.  Pretty much the same bargainacious offering as the old round Red Solo Cup.

Red Solo cup is square

Red Solo cup is square

Red Solo cup is square and BLUE

Red Solo cup is square and BLUE

What do you think about the new square cup?  What difference will this make to your tailgate parties?

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