Nobody wants to get stung with a DUI after a really fun tailgate party. You might not be falling-down drunk but, if you’re over the limit, you can’t be out on the roads behind the wheel. Smart folk – whether hosts or guests – have a Breathalyzer with a heap of individually wrapped mouthpieces on hand. This […]
Category Archives: Accessories
Keeping beers cold (in your hand) is an important skill at tailgate parties. It has led to the invention of that customizable commodity, the ‘Koozie’. And here’s a list of the best beer koozies to keep your drink frosty for the tailgate party. Yes, now ‘Koozie’ is a real word, in Urban Dictionary! It’s not […]
I just found this stuff while browsing (full disclosure – I have an affiliate agreement with them but I am honest in my reviewing). Most of it is new or newish but I certainly had not seen it before. First, let’s go hi-tech for the lazy tailgate party host. Grillbot Automatic Grill Cleaner Meet […]