Tag Archives: beverage

Cold Brew Kegerators For Tailgate Parties!

Cold Brew Kegerators: Brew Coffee & More I bet you thought your kegerator could only do one thing – chill your brewski at your tailgate party. Wrong. In 2016, we now have Cold Brew Kegerators. So, Draft Beer or Draft Coffee?  Both, thanks. Wine, tea, soda  or *shudder* Kombucha and Kimchee? All of the above, […]

The Best Tailgate Party Shot Glasses

Games are a tailgate party tradition and if you can balance up your eating and drinking with the fun of a few personal challenges, that’s a good thing.  As long as it doesn’t interrupt the ingestion of booze, that is.  Hence, the invention of Drinking Games. ‘Pass A Shot Drinking Game’ is more entertaining than […]

The Best Portable Bars & Beverage Accessories For Your Tailgate Party

Portable Bars transform any place whether a basement or a parking lot into your own pub, man-cave, party site or tailgate party extraordinaire.  I am constantly surprised at how cunning designers have been able to devise ways of using sophisticated origami techniques to make tailgate party items fit in a normal car.  So many times […]

The Best Hangover Cure Pills

Trust me!  I’m a doctor!  No, I’m not. Not even a chiropractor.  But I do know that when one over-indulges in the demon drink, there is generally a price to pay and you’ll be looking for the best hangover cure pills out there.  That errrrrrghhhhhh feeling in the morning.  Perhaps preceded by a bit of […]

Best Beer Towers For The Tailgate Party Reviewed

So you’re in the middle of a tailgate party, you want to BBQ, play games and serve your frosty beer at the same time.  Where’s the waiter?? And what can you do when you don’t own a kegerator? How about a few Beer Towers, each with its own beverage! Check out this list of the best […]

The Best Beer Koozies To Keep Your Drink Frosty.

Keeping beers cold (in your hand) is an important skill at tailgate parties.  It has led to the invention of that customizable commodity, the ‘Koozie’. And here’s a list of the best beer koozies to keep your drink frosty for the tailgate party. Yes, now ‘Koozie’ is a real word, in Urban Dictionary!  It’s not […]

Avanti Kegerator Review: Avanti 2 Mini Keg Portable Party Pub Model:CB350S-IS

Avanti 2 Mini Keg Portable Kegerator The Universal Problem of transporting draft beers to the tailgate party may have a working solution. The Avanti 2 Mini Keg Portable Party Pub is a real contender. For starters, Avanti is Florida based. When last I looked, Florida was the party state. I am assuming they know a lot about […]

Amazing Shot Glasses That Will Astound Tailgate Party Guests!

Himalayan Salt Tequila Shot Glass – Set of 4 Glasses Himalayan Salt Tequila Shot Glass Recently, I was at a friend’s house and she initiated me into the world of Himalayan Salt – she has salt blocks to cook on and these shot glasses.  Now I can attest that (at least to my refined and […]

10 Best Beer Bongs For The Tailgate Party Reviewed

Everyone knows that beer bongs are an essential part of the tailgate party experience, mainly because the activities in the parking lot take place in a small window for fun. Then you have to leave your beer, bbq and games and go sit in the stadium.  So you need to get a sinful skinful and […]